PPC campaigns are an ideal complement for you to achieve the conversions you want.

Many people who run businesses and who in turn develop a digital strategy not guided by a marketing expert, do not care too much about the customers who visited them on dates before their websites so remarketing PPC campaigns will be the best option not to lose the purchase intention of the potential customers at the moment they visit your website.

In this order of ideas, a display campaign would be the most recommended, since it is the most attractive when it comes to content, for example, through Google, you can develop visual content in HTML such as banners where that integrate images, video, and key content, which will better attract the attention of your potential customer considering that not all customers who visit your website will purchase their first visit, as they will be visiting the website of other competitors comparing prices, product features, whether substitutes or similar, making your website not competitive enough. This type of visual content will appear randomly on web pages such as blogs, YouTube channels, news pages, online newspapers, and other websites that are monetized through external advertising or in the same query in search engines made by the people who visited your website a few seconds or days past. For example, Google retains cookie information for 24 months while with Outbrain or Taboola it stays much longer, which is an advantage for you when implementing these campaigns.

Now, it is very important to create the goals in Google Analytics which will allow you to quantify these conversions, to do this, you must synchronize your Google Ads account to Google Analytics and create new goals that will allow you to measure the results of your strategy, it is best to periodically observe how the metrics vary or key performance indicators are displayed, to adjust on the fly and reduce factors that affect the good performance of your remarketing campaign and your budget, such as using negative words, controlling or restrict the display of your remarketing advertising on websites where there is inappropriate content such as adult pages, violent content, etc.

In another scenario, you would have to implement it with other external tools such as Outbrain and/or Taboola, which in some cases is usually more expensive, but it is very functional for the fulfillment of such objectives. The development of this type of remarketing advertising usually generates better results in terms of user permanence on landing pages and with a lower bounce rate, we also recommend adjusting each of these landing pages with hyperlinks or buttons that allow the user to take action on what they are looking for, such as making a phone call, sending a contact email, creating a user account, making a request for information, or just make a transfer to another landing page where the customer can make their purchase. In addition, we recommend extracting information from the Google Trends page that will allow you to better see the viewing preferences of your potential customers that are associated with the objective of interest of your advertising campaign or the product and/or services you offer.

For this reason, it is important that in each of the hyperlinks, you must create the goal in Google Analytics by targeting so that you can follow up through the funnel and be able to identify by which stage of your customer’s query on your website, him or her, is abandoning that last page of destination.

Because this is important? In this way, you realize that you should improve the user experience, which allows you to retain that client and achieve the conversion you want. With this information, you can adjust on the fly to appear more, depending on the type of device used by the client to consult you (cellphone, tablet, or desktop), audience, demographic information (gender and age), location, schedule, and other variables that will make you think about how to increase the BID adjusted for this type of behavior that you extract from your key performance indicators. With these minimal activities, you are maximizing your budget more efficiently and productively.

It seems a lot of activity of great relevance to do or perhaps complex to perform. However, at e-Commerce Smart Solutions we can simplify these activities so that you only worry about responding to the growing sales in your business.

For this reason, do not hesitate to contact us, we have at your disposal a team of professionals with high experience and skills in the area, with the ability to improve your SEM and make your website one of the first options for Google search engine and better your positioning in the market.

Contact us to discuss how we can improve your current marketing strategies and how to increase your sales.

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