When is it necessary to subcontract your digital marketing team?

Companies are currently in need of making themselves known through different digital channels, also called the web 2.0 technology or known as Participative (or Participatory) and Social Web, taking into account the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as a platform to do business, since potential clients are increasingly connected to mobile devices using the various recent communication platforms where they interact with other people, creating a significant opportunity to make themselves known. For this reason, companies now understand the need to have a digital presence through a web page that provides more complete and timely information, allowing their potential customers to illustrate who they are and what products and/or services they market. In addition, it allows you to directly know your competitors and potential customers.

But due to the volume of information and the number of products and/or services that they handle, the most appropriate thing is to have within their Digital Marketing team, specialized professionals in charge of millimetrically planning the execution of the campaigns, as well as the allocation and optimization of the budget each of them, making efficient use of resources and information management for decision-making, those who lead the team will have the roles of Social Media Manager and Community Manager.

This approach of requiring both the community manager and the social media manager is very positive for companies that have large surpluses of liquidity since by dividing activities what is sought is to achieve a specialization of them by a team of versatile, multidisciplinary work and thus have greater productivity, efficiency and better control of all. The company’s marketing manager, in addition to effectively positioning an already established brand in the market, both nationally and internationally, has the mission of achieving the goals and any initiative will be of great impact on the improvement of KPIs, ROAS, and ROI.

In addition to being able to pay for the most complete and functional information technology tools on the market that allow them to analyze promptly the information that is collected from the interaction of potential and current customers, which in turn translates into assertive decision-making and winners. But to achieve these objectives it is very important that the latter, the social media manager, who is the planner of the marketing strategy, has support for the materialization of their strategies, so it will be necessary to hire another professional in charge of the creation. visual content (a graphic designer), in addition to direct interaction with users through the different channels (marketing coordinator), as well as delivery and monitoring of campaign metrics (marketing analyst), and who leads the compliance of the execution of activities has the role of Community Manager. Both are of great importance for a Digital Marketing strategy to be carried out efficiently, where effective communication will be the key to success for its development.

Currently, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs in English and PYMEs in Spanish) face great challenges to survive, taking into account that their opportunity cost is much higher and they have to manage their scarce resources more efficiently, simplifying processes and the way they interact with their clients. A great step that many of these SMEs have decided to implement in recent years is access to these diverse sources of digital communication, starting with a website, followed by the opening of accounts on social networks, advertising platforms offered by the same search engines, and online sales platforms, which is a great challenge to vie in a highly competitive market and achieve an economic benefit, this being an expensive investment for many.

Since not all SMEs have enough liquidity surplus to hire two specialized professionals who develop a Digital Marketing strategy together with their support team, they will only be able to hire a single specialized professional to do all roles simultaneously, planning, executing, decision-making, and creating creative content and interactions with users virtually or directly.

Unfortunately, many companies believe that having a web page with the informative content of their company is more than enough to remain active in the market, and they are in error since these platforms generate money out of them, it is one more expense. For this reason, many of them have found it necessary to find a specialized professional in charge of connecting their potential and current clients with their website in an efficient way and at the lowest possible cost, which increases their operational or fixed costs. In the best of scenarios, the subcontracting process transforms that fixed cost into a variable one and they obtain benefits of scale when using a specialized external company with extensive experience in achieving management objectives and goals.

For this reason, SMEs tend to generate digital marketing strategies in an organic way, the majority of which are more economical, since they have limited management of the budget for paid advertising and remarketing. This does not mean that it is not effective, only that in this type of company the handling of information and the periodicity of strategies is much less than that of a large company.

That is why when SMEs decide to save expenses in hiring specialized personnel to perform this function, the best option is to consult agencies with qualified personnel in different areas of knowledge, which will be of great support to the business. Remember that it is very easy to lose money when you do not have enough experience creating a digital strategy when you do not plan your spending and activities properly. A specialized agency helps you minimize the risks involved in hiring a person or team and creating a blind digital marketing strategy. At e-Commerce Smart Solutions LLC, we have highly qualified personnel to guide your digital strategy and we are attentive to give you the best results tailored to your budget, due to our extensive experience, we can minimize risks for different scenarios for your business and get a higher return on your investment.

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